Medical Qigong

Medical Qigong is a whole being approach to health.  This means that diagnosis of a condition is based not only on physical symptoms but also on the emotional state, diet and lifestyle choices.

Knowledge of energetic pathways within the body, known as the Meridian System, along with an understanding of how our internal organs relate to one another and to the whole of our own inner ecosystem, make up a large part of the practice.

The concept of balance is central to a Medical Qigong approach to treatment.  Because each individual is different, using the precepts Yin and Yang to diagnosis and treat, allows for a creative and more personalized management of an illness or condition.  It also allows the patient to heal on as deep a level as they choose.

My Medical Qigong treatments use techniques such as energetic projection, sound therapy, visualization and meditation, qigong movements, and creative expression to assist patients in the process of healing.

Each session is 75 minutes long and includes and intake, table treatment, and prescription exercises.

During the table sessions the patient will remain clothed.

Medical Qigong treatments work best when you can commit to at least three treatments a month, for at least one or two months.  The often subtle nature of the changes don't maifest obviously right away.


Here are a couple of referrals.  Visit my Facebook page for more reviews.

“After my session with Sara I felt lighter and happier.  I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was really relaxing and non-invasive.  I can’t wait to book another session!” –Nicki Orser

“I found the medical qigong work effective and enjoyable.  It was relaxing and energizing. I look forward to further sessions.”

-Tom Seegar